.O f f i c e s & A s s o c i a t e s .Paris .London .Malta .Moscow .New York & LA W o r l d w i d e L o c a t i o n s Da t a Ba s e Viewing instructions: click on a file-group (moving photos) to enlarge view. Navigate between shots using Advance <> Return buttons. Full screen button gives maximum size (Slide show). Click X button to exit Full screen and return to normal size or View All. Return to blog home-page by clicking several times on your browser's page return <arrow. Access locations data: 1,000 location shoots in 25 countries: Europe, Africa, Middle-East, Russia/Asia, USA-East+West. Film & media professionals may request coded-links giving access to targeted location(s) guide(s), jpg quality file pull photos, geo-mapping and much more at zero initial cost. Requested & received by e-mail, paris-location-scout coded-links allow web-album navigation, viewing maps (when available), sending comments, questions, tech-info.. downloading & printing.. Request advice/scouting mission, further info, detailed maps, special services, location negociation &< . Leslie & Pharr i-Mages = confidential, priority contact . >